Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Film in Literature blog #1

        I'm writing about Anthony Beltran's movie "Rebel" and also "The Holy Grail". I thought it was interesting to see the sort of contrast between the two movies. "Rebel" was a serious movie about the struggles of high school. Although there were some funny parts, Anthony really explored all the different things we go through in high school. As for "The Holy Grail", Python was more satirical and funny, not really exploring any sort of serious topics. "Rebel" explored many different issues such as bullying, relationships, and friendship. The main character was played by a student at Rush named Mark Mariano. His character struggled the most with being bullied and being made fun of. He was sort of isolated and never really accepted by anyone. Except for one girl, played by another student here at Rush of whom I do not know the name. This is where the relationship conflict came into play. The girl struggled in an abusive relationship with a guy played by Shawn Cleary, another student here at Rush. On the down low, this girl and Mark smiled at each other, made each other happy and feel accepted. "The Holy Grail", on the other hand, was a satire mimicking the typical renaissance flick. The author found the irony in the battles, the journey's, and everything that can be found in your regular renaissance film. Both of these films were interesting to watch, and kept me engaged the entire time. I thought it was really cool to see two totally different films in the same week and make the comparison. 10/10 would recommend. 

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